Occupational Health & Safety

Cresco Consultants

Occupational Health & Safety

We believe that the health and safety of employees should be one of the company’s top priorities.


Occupational Health & Safety in South Africa

Cresco Consultants provides a comprehensive, integrated, outsourced service for all your Occupational Health and Safety related requirements.
We believe that the health and safety of employees should be one of the company’s top priorities. Not only to protect the workforce, but to protect the risk of doing business. Health and Safety laws are strict, and noncompliance will almost certainly lead to

hefty financial penalties, not to mention injury and loss of life. A happy and healthy workforce is a productive workforce, and the business will flourish. We assist your business to achieve maximum compliance with streamlined processes and tools to support implementation. The only safe approach to health and safety is a pro-active approach.

Is your company health and safety risk assessment up to date?

If you have more than 50 employees, you are required to have employment equity targets and to report on the achievement of these targets to the Department of Labour annually.

Do you have the required health and safety protection mechanisms in place?

If you are over the turnover threshold for your industry, you are required to have employment equity targets and to report on the achievement of these targets to the Department of Labour annually.

Is your staff wearing the required Personal Protective Equipment?

Did you know failure to comply with the requirements of the Act can lead to hefty fines by the Department of Labour.


Occupational Health & Safety Services

The cornerstone of all health and safety practices is a proper risk assessment. Through this process we identify possible risks in the business from where we manage the compliance process through the Health & Safety Committee & Appointed Safety Champions in the business.

Proactive risk management activities across the entire sphere of health, safety and well-being supported within a risk intelligent community by:

  • Dynamic risk assessment activities
  • Integration of health policies, risk and culture
  • Benchmarking activities to ascertain best practice measures available
  • Identifying national and international trends, risks and challenges
  • Proactive occupational health challenges
  • Instilling a culture of health and safety and ownership across teams and departments

Contact us for a free consultation and needs assessment

Our support solutions and packages are fully customisable according to the size and resources available in the business.